Sunday 5 August 2012

Businesses can adopt sustainable energy to boost CSR credentials, says green energy provider

As the environment is an increasingly prominent issue to both individuals and businesses, choosing sustainable energy for the good of the planet offers a double-whammy in terms of benefit to businesses, says green energy uk. As well as the environmental aspects, choosing to go green can really boost credentials when it comes to a company’s CSR policy. In the current business climate, this is a key consideration.

Corporate social responsibility has definitely become more of a ‘business-must’ as oppose to a ‘business could-have’. From charity donations to community events, there are many ways to approach and interpret it.

Doug Stewart, chief executive of green energy, says: “Many people may roll their eyes skywards at the mere mention of corporate social responsibility – thinking it may involve endless charity donations. However, it is a wider issue; the crux of CSR is, in short, understanding how your business impacts on the wider world and using consideration as to how you can use this impact in a positive way. But don’t fall asleep just yet! Although I understand that CSR may not be seen as a sexy subject or a topic that has people on the edge of their seats, some fun can be had with it and it is an important issue. Initiatives such as Fairtrade have proved that, with product sales increasing by 40 per cent last year, proving that being ethical is an issue close to the hearts of many.

“When it comes to CSR, if you’re creative enough, there’s no reason why it has to be boring. Getting involved in or contributing towards a community project, for instance, could fulfill it. Some companies might want to immerse themselves in a local cause. There are endless opportunities. And who would have thought what comes out of the back of a pig might help with CSR? As a source of green energy that can be adopted to help reduce a company’s carbon footprint, pig poo can play a part! Tangible green efforts such as alternative energy sources are a great way to fulfil the CSR quota of a business.

“Let’s face it, energy is something every business, regardless of size, uses and can’t function without. Choosing business electricity from a renewable source is a relatively easy way to fulfil CSR. As well as pig manure, our energy is sourced from tomato plants and used cooking oil. These sources fulfil criteria in two ways: re-using waste that would otherwise have to be disposed of and could harm the environment, and using waste to generate energy to reduce carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels. Add all of that to the impact of continued and growing demand on depleting fossil fuels, and it quickly adds up that a small change can make a big difference.”

As well as pig waste, green energy uk’s sources include wind and hydro power from free falling water. Customers are both domestic and business users throughout the UK.

For further information about green energy uk and its energy sources visit

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